Do you want to be healthy and strong?

Natural weight loss, energy restoration and healthy living for busy women made easy.



Healthy living for families made easy.





Because what you really want is a body you're proud of and bundles of energy,

so you can lead an amazing and healthy life without having to think about it

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You know you want to lead a long and healthy life. A body you’re proud of and bundles of energy.

Except life keeps getting in the way.

You’re busy, stressed and turn to food for comfort.
Then feel guilty about not finding time to make healthy food or exercising.

It doesn't have to be like that!


Healthy living for you and the family can be easy and fun. And you can do it on autopilot.

It's all about routine, habits and systems.


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Hi, I’m Dr Orlena.

I trained in the UK as a paediatric doctor and now lead a mediterranean lifestyle in beautiful Spain.

I am the author of “Building Simple Habits to a Healthy Me”, and host of the “Fit and Fabulous at 40 and Beyond” podcast. My mission is to help women create healthy habits for them and their families. So they all live long healthy lives and feel amazing.

As a mother of 4 kids (2 of them super fussy), I know what it’s like to “lose yourself” to motherhood. You put everyone’s needs above your own and wonder why you’re tired, exhausted and overwhelmed.

My favourite saying is “The best thing you can give your kids is your own happiness. And the second best thing is vegetables!”

We want to teach our kids healthy habits, but the best way is to demonstrate them. We need to start with ourselves.


Love Notes from Clients


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Book and Podcast Reviews


Dr Orlena's 4 pillars of healthy living.



What we eat is so important. Think less "white carbs and refined food, more veggies".



The key to feeling fit and fabulous; to enjoying moving our bodies and having buckets of energy. The key is to find things you love to do and turn it into a habit.



Everyone knows sleep is good for your health, productivity and weight. Yet who's guilty of staying up late even when you have a busy day ahead?


Emotions and Mindset

The pillar that knits everything together. Happiness and mindset aren't things that come naturally. We have to work to keep our emotions positive and not to "spiral down the negative plug hole" when life gets tough.


You can do it all! You can lead the healthy life you love, feel amazing and have enough energy to be the "best you".

Healthy eating and living habits for the whole family. So you’re confident your kids are growing up into healthy adults without having to think about it.

Routine, habits and systems are the keys to doing things without thinking.

Once your healthy habits are established you do it all automatically.

The problem is the “wobbly bridge” from where you are to “healthy living on autopilot”.

Let me guide you across the wobbly bridge!

You'll discover how easy and fun healthy living can be. 





Start Your Journey to Healthy You Today



Ready to Make Life Transforming changes and want Dr Orlena's support?

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