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How Can I Lose Weight With Hypothryodism? Podcast with Dr Matt Chalmers


Transcript of Podcast

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Dr Orlena: Hello. Hello. Hello. Welcome to fit and fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena kerek. I hope you're feeling absolutely amazing. It is summer holidays here. The kids are off school. My husband has had COVID oh my goodness. Poor thing. He has been so unwell and. I have to confess I'm the most unsympathetic wife ever. I'm just like, oh, this is so boring.

Being Unwell Teaches You to Appreciate your Health

Dr Orlena: My husband can't do anything. luckily he is on the route to getting better and getting stronger, but, oh my goodness. I'm very glad that he got it after he was vaccinated. and it's really interesting. I was doing my Sunday evening meditation on Sunday. I do a long meditation, a Joe Dispenza meditation. If you're looking for meditations, I do like Joe dispenser.

Dr Orlena: It's like an hour long meditation. And in it, you go through all the things that you. You know, are working on and want to to achieve in whatever period of time. So here's me making a list of things. I'd like some more clients I'd like to have more money coming to me. I want my family to be happy and fun and of course thinking I want my husband to get better.

Dr Orlena: I just want him to increase his energy levels and to get back to his normal laughing, happy. and I, as I was thinking that I was thinking, you know, what order do I put these things in? You know, obviously everybody wants more money. We always want more money. We've got bills to pay and we want to be able to pay those bills with ease.

Dr Orlena: But I was thinking about health and thinking, but the funny thing about health is that. Money can't buy you health in that I can't spend X amount of money. And then just go, here you go, husband, you are better. Well, I know certain things can, and obviously medications can, and a lot of preventative things can, but it doesn't quite work exactly like that.

Dr Orlena: You know what I mean? I can't just go to the pharmacy and say, Hey, I'm gonna get my husband's health back. It just doesn't work like that. And so thinking. our health is so amazingly important. We really have to cherish our health and our ability to be able to do things. And I think one thing coming out of.

Dr Orlena: being unwell and seeing either yourself or somebody else who can't do things because they're unwell is to remind you to appreciate what we do have when we are in good health. And I always know that I need reminding when I'm feeling well, which is pretty much all the time. You know, I do make an effort to remind myself, oh my goodness, I am.

Dr Orlena: Able to run, I'm able to swim, I'm able to cycle, I'm able to move my body and really enjoy these things. And it's a bit like toothache, you know, or, or, you know, you have a sore toe and you have a sore to, and, oh my goodness, it is just consuming your life until it gets better. And then you just entirely forget about it.

Dr Orlena: But being able to say, oh my goodness, I'm so grateful that I don't have a, so that this is better, that I can do these things. So. Listen, if your health is important to you and I suggest your health is important to you. And if you're thinking there thinking, oh my goodness, I really need to, you know, increase my health.

Dr Orlena: I really need to prioritize my health. In which case, number one, I commend you because that is the first step in getting to good health. There is so much we can do to our, to, you know, maximize our health. I know there are lots of things we can't do. You know, there are certain things that are just random acts, but if we look after our bodies, we can maximize our chances of recovering when we get unwell and not getting things in the first place.

Do You Need Support to Make Healthy Changes?

Dr Orlena: So if you're interested, I still have a few places left at the price that my package is. And if you're interested, I have a lifetime coaching package. Yes. Lifetime lifetime coaching package at the moment. So if you're interested in finding out more about that, email me at, or Dr. me.com, the ladies who are in it are amazing.

Dr Orlena: They are just doing amazingly well. And they are well, number one, really grateful that I turned it into lifetime because. They know how huge that is. They know they have made so many, so much effort they've done. So, so well in the last year, but things happen. One of them is going on holiday and she knows that she's stressed and she can see the stress eating beginning to creep back.

Dr Orlena: Now, luckily she's on top of it, but you know, life always happens. And that's why I made it lifetime because I want to support you now. You may be thinking, oh my goodness, what does lifetime mean? I'm a lawyer. Yes. I know I have a client. Who's a lawyer and she said lifetime is not lifetime. So I guarantee a year, but I'm not planning on ending my business.

End Emotional Eating Package is Now Live $27

Dr Orlena: I have my end emotional eating package, which is a video and my book PDF all the tools you need to end emotional eating. If you know, if you want to do it by yourself, without my one-on-one support, this is an amazing package.

Dr Orlena: It is $27. And currently, if you use the code FB, you get 15% off. So that's valid. Today is the last day. Now there's also an upsell, which is my magic likes and dislike. Video. Well, I've done it as a little video rather than me walking you through it for $10. Oh my goodness. This is huge. This is amazing.

Dr Orlena: Like normally I charge $300 for this and you can do it by yourself. I just walk you through it and you can do it by yourself. And obviously if you want me to do it for you, you can book a one-on-one session and I can walk you through it. but you can get both of those products for a total of, it's not quite $37.

Dr Orlena: If you book it today, it will be a little bit less than $37 if you pay for it today. Okay. So those are the things that are going on in Dr. Lina. If you're interested in working with me, please email me. First of all, we book a small chat, which is 15 minutes. If we want to know more, if we want to go further, we book a longer chat and those two chats are totally, totally free.

Dr Orlena: You're welcome to ask me anything. What's it gonna cost you just that time. If you're serious about making changes, that time is nothing and it's well spent because even if you decide not to work with me, it still gives you clarity on what you need to do by yourself or with somebody else. Okay today, we are talking a little bit about hyperthyroidism.

Can I Lose Weight If I Have Hypothryoidism?

Dr Orlena: Why? Because I see a lot of people saying, Hey, I've got hypothyroidism. That means I can't lose weight. So I invited a gentleman called Dr. Matt Chalmers to come and talk to us. Now, this episode warning is a little bit more sciencey than my normal ones. I say sciencey, long words. He's talking about thyroidism and, and things like this.

Dr Orlena: Now, if you have hyporthyroidism, this is an amazing episode for you to listen to, because he's gonna lay out basically what you need to do. Now, if you don't have hypothyroidism, it's still worth listening to you because the thing about hypothyroidism is that it's kind of one of those sneaky illnesses.

Dr Orlena: It has what we call nonspecific symptoms. So it might be lack of energy, increasing weight and things like that. And you just. You don't know, it's one of those things where, you know, you might look back after you've been diagnosed and go, oh yes, I see the symptoms were there, but I just thought that was normal life.

Dr Orlena: So it is worth listening to, and one of the messages I would really like you to listen to is if you listen to what he's saying, He does talk about a lot of sciencey stuff. And he does talk about getting your hormone sorted out. But before that he says we sort out nutrition, we pay attention to sleep. So essentially what he's talking about is the four pillars.

Dr Orlena: And he's saying, you know, you need to sort out your four pillars. He doesn't say it in quite those words, but you know, there is a lot of stuff that you need to do first and then sort out the hypothyroidism because there's, if. If you're still triggering all the things that are helping you put on weight and you sort out the hormones.

Introducing Dr Matt Chalmers

Dr Orlena: Yes. That's gonna help a little bit, but you're never actually going to fix it totally. And get to where you want to get to until you've done both of those things. So, welcome. Welcome Dr. Matt Chalmers. Hello, Dr. Chalmers. It is fabulous to meet you. Welcome to the fit and fabulous podcast with me, Dr. Orlena

Dr Matt Chalmers: thank you for having me.

Dr Matt Chalmers: I'm

Dr Orlena: excited. I'm excited to talk to you. So before we dive in, we're gonna start off by talking about thyroid issues, which affect a lot of people before we talk about thyroid issues. Can you just tell people a little bit about yourself please?

Dr Matt Chalmers: Yeah. I'm a concierge wellness doctor in Frisco, Texas. What I do is I try to figure out ways of one empowering patients to be able to.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Find their own information, do their own work and get healthy the way that they, they choose the west way. So we'll do all we've combined Eastern and Western medicine. We do a ton of nutrition and everything else, trying to figure out how to bring the body back to its original starting point, but bring physiology back to its starting point so that we don't need the excess medications and everything else to force the body to go one way.

Dr Matt Chalmers: It just kind of works together. Like it's supposed.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. Well, I'm all for avoiding medicines, if we can. So on that note, let's talk about thyroid issues and perhaps we should just start by asking you, can you just give us an overview of thyroid issues? And I think, let me backtrack. One of the reasons why I think it's really interesting to talk about thyroid issues is a lot of people.

An Overview of Hypothyrodism

Dr Orlena: Get stuck with weight gain that they wanna get off. And then they go, oh my goodness, I've got a low thyroid. It's impossible. I can't do anything. So should we start with an overview? And then we can talk about that specific problem.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Yeah. So if we have a low thyroid there's a lot of ways that I like to work on to bring it back up.

Dr Matt Chalmers: So the thyroid sits on top of kind of the thyroid adrenal pyramid, and the gut is the basis for that. So if we can get the body to heal the gut up and bring the nutrients in heal, the adrenals up, the thyroid will usually take care of itself. But the problem is is that a lot of us have worn ourselves down.

Stress Can Contribute to Hypothyrodism

Dr Matt Chalmers: Stress issues and things like that. And so that's why our thyroid is low. It's not just, just didn't decide to turn itself off one day we have a whole system that's, that's kind of falling apart. And so that's the big thing we have to recognize when we see lower thyroid numbers.

Dr Orlena: So why might, well, I tell you what, what, what symptoms might people be feeding?

How Do You Know if You Have Hypothyrodism?

Dr Orlena: Because you know, it's never one of those. Oh my goodness. I've got this red spot, which says hypothyroidism. What, you know, it's one of those illnesses, which can be a little bit tricky to unravel. What are people feeling when they're before they're diagnosed?

Common Symptoms of Low Thyroid Levels

Dr Matt Chalmers: So you're gonna end up with, you know, you're gonna be cold, you're gonna be lethargic.

Dr Matt Chalmers: You're gonna have issues with sleep. You're gonna have issues with you paying attention, mental focus, that type of thing. People will oftentimes start to get, you know, dry eyes, dry mouth, that type of thing. As the thyroid stops working the way it's supposed to.

Dr Orlena: And weight gain.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Yes. Weight gain is, is usually a company.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Those,

Dr Orlena: yes. Okay. So, and what's some people get the reverse as well.

Dr Matt Chalmers: You're not gonna, you're not gonna lose weight with hypothyroidism. You can lose it with hyperthyroidism, with overactive thyroid. But you're gonna see a lot of. Those similar things with, in that line you're pro you're typically not gonna see, you know, excessive weight loss with a lower functioning thyroid.

Dr Orlena: Okay. So if you're sitting there going, okay, I'm low thyroid, what's important to be doing, like you've been to the doctor, they've diagnosed you, what should you be doing then?

Leading a Healthy Life is the First Step to Helping Your Thyroid

Dr Matt Chalmers: So the first thing that we like to do is we like to clean out the body. So we're gonna do a, a full kidney and liver Des detoxification, and dis basically clean it out.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And this is all with, you know, nutrition and supplementation, castor packing and things like that. Coffee animals would be great for liver. Once we get those two things flushed out, we can start cleaning the gut, killing the parasites, killing any. Healing the gap that will increase the nutrient absorption to the kidneys.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And I'm sorry to the adrenals and then to the thyroid. So changing the diet is extremely important at this point, because oftentimes people are having too much, too many sugars in, but I mean too many processed foods, that type of thing, that's bogging down the system and so changing. That's gonna be a good first start.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. So yeah, my next question. Healthy living, healthy food. What, what do you recommend people eat?

Dr Matt Chalmers: Well, it depends entirely on the person. We had a, I had a couple come in, they were married couple one was, she was Chinese from middle of China for 200 generations and he was Western European. And so we had to put her on a complete vegan diet to get her reset.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And he was on a very strong keto diet because of the way his body reacted to those foods. And so there isn't. Healthy diet for all people. There's a healthy diet for an individual, which is why, you know, your sister can eat something and it doesn't work for you or your best friend can have something and it works great for them.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And it doesn't work for you because these are, these diets seem to be very specialized for your own chemistry. So that's, that's the biggest thing. So when we start talking about what's a good food, depends on the person. There's. There's some X, some of my patients, we have to give tremendous amount of sugar for them to gain any muscle mass at all.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And on the other side of the spectrum, we have to have people, we have, we kept sugar completely outta their diet for them to be healthy.

Dr Orlena: So how do you tell,

Dr Matt Chalmers: so you can oftentimes tell there's different DNA markers, but oftentimes you can just look at someone so that person who. Everyone knows who can eat anything and drink anything.

Dr Matt Chalmers: They never gain any weight. They're on one side of the spectrum and the person who watches somebody else eat a donut and gains five pounds is on the other end of the spectrum. So the guys who can't gain weight, what actually happens is that when they consume sugar, They don't react from an insulin standpoint as much.

Dr Matt Chalmers: So they need a giant amount of, of sugar to bring that, that insulin function to the body wall actually absorb one of the, the best examples of that would be Michael Phelps. People talked about Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer and his diet, and there's I guess, 10,000 calories and it's pancakes with powdered sugar on it and stuff like that.

Dr Matt Chalmers: His body required that much sugar to get a response out of his, out of his insulin and get the body to function me on the other side of that. If I eat any sugar, my body SOS instantly as fat because my body wants to burn fat as it's fuel source. So if I eat more fat, then I end up becoming a healthier person.

Dr Matt Chalmers: So you can look at somebody and say, okay, they're tall. They're very, very lean. They can't gain weight. They're gonna need more sugars. Then you have something's big barrel chested, just. Larger framed person. Typically those are gonna be more on the other side, the endomorph side. And so they're gonna have to choose less sugars and then somebody who kind of sits in the middle, someone who can gain weight or lose weight kind of almost at will.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Those people are kind of your balanced diet people.

Dr Orlena: Okay. Interesting. We're getting sidetracked from hyperthyroidism. Sorry. What about these these people who know that they're hypothyroid. And they want to lose weight. They're doing the healthy stuff, eating healthly. We are just gonna stick to it. What I will say for healthy living is eating vegetables and less packaged food.

Why Do People With Hypothyrodism Find it Difficult to Lose Weight?

Dr Orlena: Why aren't they losing weight?

Dr Matt Chalmers: Well, so there's a variety of reasons that the number one thing, T3, T4, that the thyroid hormones specifically help the body to drive metabolic function. And so as our metabolism is slowing down, If we don't decrease the amount of calories we're consuming, our body will store that extra energy as fat.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And so we'll get to a point where we just can't lose any more excess body fat because our metabolism is lower than the calorie, the energy of the calories we're bringing at.

Dr Orlena: Okay. And so what do they need to do?

Dr Matt Chalmers: So typically if we have a low thyroid we would clean the system up and then bring the nutrients back in the other big one that I always tell people to look at is.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Look at all of your hormones, your body is one big system that works together. Testosterone is one of the things we typically will look at to make sure that all of the function of the hormones and communication system of the body is up where it's supposed to be. So if you're going to start adding in.

Dr Matt Chalmers: More more foods. I would make sure that you're going to do that in a, in a system where your body understands the sugar. So if you need tons of sugars, we go that route. If we need to cut them out, we'll go kind of the other way. So that would be the first part I would look at for the thyroid is to feed it, the iodine feed it, the things it needs, but to change the type of chemistry that we're putting in the.

Dr Matt Chalmers: And

Dr Orlena: testosterone is a common problem for women in their forties or above 40.

Dr Matt Chalmers: We're starting to see it in people in their late twenties stress neurologically shifts your body from making testosterones, making cortisol. And so as we start to see that testosterone back off, we see rapid drops in metabolism, bone density, heart health, all sorts of things.

Dr Orlena: Goodness. Okay. Any last words of wisdom for people with, with, or without hypothyroidism people who are thinking, oh, I wonder if my thyroid is working properly. ,

Good Quality Sleep Helps People with Low Thyroid

Dr Matt Chalmers: you know, one of the things that affects all hormones is sleep quality and oxygenation at night. So if you're, if you're noticing that you're not sleeping well, that would be one of the most important things we'd wanna check on first.

Dr Matt Chalmers: So that would be probably the first, the first key outside of food is to say, okay, am I sleeping and breathing properly at night? So that would be, I would, I always like to do sleep studies for those people to make sure that the oxygen's coming in.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. Yes. I second, that sleep is amazing, which is why we're gonna have another session on sleep.

Dr Orlena: So go and listen to that podcast on sleep. Perfect. Thank you so much for being with us. Where can people find you and your amazing services?

Connect with Dr Matt Chalmers

Dr Matt Chalmers: Social media, just Dr. Chalmers and the number one or Chalmer's wellness.com.

Dr Orlena: And if they want to go and get their thyroid tested, you will test their thyroid for them.

Dr Orlena: I believe.

Dr Matt Chalmers: Yes, we can. We can easily do that. There's labs on under the CWELL store, under Chalmer's wellness.com. And you can order your own labs and get them done for you. And then you'll be part of the portal they'll send 'em right back to you so that you can get your own information and then choose where you want to go with it.

Dr Matt Chalmers: You don't have to be pressured into doing one way or the other by anybody who's taking your labs for. Perfect.

Dr Orlena: Fabulous. Thank you so much. Absolutely. Well, there you go. Thank you so much, Dr. Matt chars. If you want to have your thyroid testing, you can contact his company and send off tests to him and he will analyze them for you.

Dr Orlena: And then you can work with your doctor. On those results, if you want, or of course you can go to your own doctor. So just a reminder, 15% off day today ends today of the end. Emotional eating. Course. And if you want to chat to me, just email me Aleena, doctor a.com. If you're on my email list, all you need to do is reply to one of those emails, have a fabulous week, and I will see you next week.

Dr Orlena: Byebye.

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Episode 145: One Simple Tip to Make Healthy Living Easy

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Written By Dr Orlena

Dr Orlena Kerek (MBChB from the University of Bristol, UK) trained as a pediatric doctor. She is now a family health coach. She helps busy mums who want to feel amazing by eating healthy food, enjoy a healthy life, get back into their honeymoon shorts and teach their kids healthy habits all without thinking about it.

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