Feeling stressed? You're not alone!
Today I'm talking about how stress is a BIG player in our lives thesedays.
It doesn't have to be "big stress". Those mundane things add up! (Want to hear about my sock issues?? Have a listen!!)
2 of the biggest stressors in life are other people and the way we think about things!
Mentioned in the podcast is the "pamper pack". (I sent it out on day 2 of the Positively Healthy Weight Loss Week.)
If you haven't got a copy, you can sign up for the replays here: http://drorlena.com/positively-healthy-weight-loss-dr-orlena
Come and join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthydrorlena
Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.
What's really going on for you?