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Podcast: Transforming Mindsets: A Journey to Wealth and Wellness with Beverly Wixon


Introduction to Podcast

Are you looking to transform your mindset around money and wellness?

Look no further than this insightful interview with Beverly Wixon, a former teacher turned money mindset coach.

Beverly shares her powerful journey of how she overcame her own financial and health challenges by shifting her perspective.

Whether you're struggling with your finances or your relationship with food, Beverly's practical advice and inspiring story will provide the motivation and guidance you need to unlock your true potential for wealth and well-being.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights that can change the course of your life. Click now to listen!

Connect with Beverly

Website: Beverlywixon.com
Money Breakthrough Playshop: https://beverlywixon.com/f/money-playshop
Fb group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/abundancepersonified



Purchase Building Simple Habits to a Healthy Me: On amazon

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Transcription of Podcast

Dr Orlena: Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Super excited today because we are talking to Beverly. Hello, Beverly. Hi, Dr. Orlena. How are you? I am fabulous and I'm really excited to talk to you. Do you want to start off? Well, first of all, thank you very much for coming and chatting to us.

Dr Orlena: Do you want to start off just by introducing yourself and telling people a little bit about

Beverly: you? Sure. And for having me. I'm very happy to be here. Excited to be here. I'm Beverly Wixon, I am a former high school and middle school English teacher turned money mindset coach because I discovered that Mindset when I changed my thinking just like I forced my students to change their thinking and realize Shakespeare was easy I realized that when I changed my thinking about money suddenly I had it even as a teacher We all hear about teacher salaries and I mean I heard that from the day I started Which is why I went in that direction with my mindset.

Beverly: When I changed it, so many things changed in my life. I don't have time to tell you everything. So now I just share that and teach that to people so they can become wealthy on any salary.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. And at the end, I know you've got an amazing Facebook group and lots of amazing resources. I will get a long list for you and you can share all of that with everybody because Beverly has an amazing Facebook group.

Dr Orlena: Thank you. But today we are going to, my pleasure, today we are going to talk about you and a bit of your health and wellness journey. So let's go back a little bit. Well, I tell you what you, you tell us, what do you think is important for people to know about your health and wellness journey?

Beverly: Well, you know, as again, like I said, I was a teacher and you know, as a teacher, you're taught to eat in 20 minutes.

Beverly: In fact, as students, as children, we're taught to eat in 20 minutes in schools because that's They have a Orlena minute lunch, at least here in the U. S. We have a Orlena minute lunch, and by the time you get to the cafeteria, get food, get seated, the kids probably have more like 15 minutes to eat. And the same with teachers.

Beverly: So, that does not bode well for your future health. Because we eat fast, we eat on the run, and here in the U. S., it's fast food everywhere. And I did the same thing. I did that to me. You know, even after I quit teaching, I was still eating that way. And At that point, I started to notice a few pounds in the middle, you know, cause I'd also gone through menopause and I was, you know, getting all that minnow belly and I was like, look, you know what?

Beverly: This doesn't happen in other countries. This happens in the U S so much. It doesn't happen around the world. So there must be something to the way we're eating. Again, mindset was part of it that, You know, 12 year olds can eat everything in the world and not gain weight, but as we get older, we think we're supposed to gain weight.

Beverly: And I was like, no, I don't think we're supposed to. I think this is something I can change. And I tried changing it on my own, you know, drinking lots of water, cutting out sodas, trying to cut out sugar, but I kept Backsliding, because I really like sugar and then I found you and it's just been so much easier by joining your group that even when I get off track, even when I get off track,

Dr Orlena: Perfect.

Dr Orlena: And, you know, I think one of the big things you're really talking about is doing anything, whether it's changing your mindset around money or changing your mindset about healthy eating. It's so much easier when you have support. And when you try and do it by yourself, it doesn't quite work as well. And I see this so often with people who say, Dr.

Dr Orlena: Alina, you've made it really easy. You've told me exactly what I need to do with the reboot. And yet, somehow, I can't quite do it by myself. I'm not saying that not everybody can. Some people can, but most, the vast majority of people can't. So, going back a little bit, you did the reboot. How was that for you?

Beverly: Reboot was pretty easy. I remember doing that. Orlenait's been a little while. I probably should, I need to do it again, in fact, because I've been sick, but we'll get there in a minute. I, when I did the reboot, I, I thought ahead of time, this is not going to be easy. This is going to be like, you know, tough, like, like cutting out all the sugar, like when I did Atkins.

Beverly: Yeah. Orlenabut it wasn't, it was so easy that. And what I love is it's about avoiding food instead of cutting them out of your life forever. So that made it, that I think made it very easy on the reboot. And the support, you know, being able to come into the calls every week and even being able to contact you daily and sayOrlena I, what do I do here?

Beverly: And you answered. Yes.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. Perfect. And I really love what you say because so many people, I think, when they're standing right at the beginning and you say, look, eat perfectly for two weeks, it feels like this huge great mountain. Oh my goodness, it's going to be awful. I'm going to deprive myself. Life is just going to be miserable for two weeks.

Dr Orlena: And then everybody comes off the end going, Oh no, actually, it was quite easy and I enjoyed it. Life just carried on going and I ate and had fun and it just wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Okay, perfect. So you did well, you did well to begin with, and I believe you lost some weight to begin with.

Dr Orlena: Yes, I did. I think I lost

Beverly: I lost five pounds pretty quickly, and then I think I lost another five, and then I got sick.

Dr Orlena: Perfect. So, unfortunately for you, and I, like, when we were talking about this just before we hit record, and I was saying, I haven't seen you for ages and ages, and I know that you've been sick, but really, I wanted to do this recording anyhow, because I want to give everybody Like a realistic slice of what it's like, even when you've got support.

Dr Orlena: So it's much easier when you've got support, but that doesn't mean that life. Doesn't happen. Unfortunately, I can't protect you from things like being sick and whatever other things are happening. And so I thought it would be interesting actually to have this chat and think, do you know what, actually life does happen to people.

Dr Orlena: And so I did well to begin with, and then sickness happened. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that and what that meant in terms of healthy eating for you?

Beverly: Sure. OrlenaI don't know what I had. It wasn't COVID. I do know that, but it was some sort of virus going around, which just, It made me cough a lotOrlena headaches, and it felt like the flu, but it wasn't the flu they said.

Beverly: And it just, I had no energy, zero energy, and I wasn't hungry, you know, ever. But I would force myself to eat, thinking I have to eat something. I went back to sodas a lot, because in the beginning I didn't even really know that I had anything. I thought I was just, you know. I was tired, so I was drinking sodas and eating some sugar, just trying to get energy in any way, shape, or form to try to maintain.

Beverly: And finally, you know, when I just got knocked out and didn't have any, I mean, I was sleeping 15 hours a day. That should have been a real clue that it wasn't just a lack of energy. Sometimes I'm a little slow on those because I'm trying to do everything anyway. And, and I didn't want to eat, so I would eat whatever was around.

Beverly: I ate a lot of canned stuff, which I know is not great, but it was easy. I couldn't stand at the stove for five minutes. I couldn't be online for ten minutes. I mean, I just, scrolling drove me crazy, so I couldn't even do that, which was a good thing. You know, it got me off Facebook for a

Beverly: A sign that you need to slow down and I just slowed down in every way and I didn't gain any weight. That was a good thing. I, I, I lost maybe a couple of pounds from being unwell, but with, that's not the way we wanna do it because I just wasn't eating. And I think that totally threw me off. And then as I've gotten, I'm finally, well , it seems seemingly took forever, but I actually feel great now and I'm back to drinking water and.

Beverly: Eating more fruits and getting back into your program and your group so that I can get more support so that I don't fall backwards because that's what I don't want to do. But yeah, yeah, when you're, when you're, well, you just don't want to eat healthy.

Dr Orlena: Well, that is an interestingOrlena observation. And I think, like, when I step back and take a look at the journey that people go through, and to begin with, You're learning new skills.

Dr Orlena: You're learning the skill of healthy eating and training your body and really like focusing on that healthy eating. And so when you fall off, you know, when stuff happens, then those old habits come back, but actually I think what happens is as you keep going, as you keep going and you get what I call oak tree habits, instead of acorn habits.

Dr Orlena: Actually, you do continue eating healthily. Like for me, I kind of think, do you know what? If I was ill, I wouldn't start drinking soda because I've never drunk soda in my life. Well, occasionally, but I don't really like it. It's like sugary water. I would, I don't find something else to drink. Now, obviously we're in a different place, but I can see that, well, hopefully in two years time, you won't be unwell again.

Dr Orlena: But if you were unwell in two years time, I think you would have a different, you know, set of habits to turn to, essentially. And so I think that's part of the journey. And I also, as a side note, think that this takes time. Like you can lose weight relatively quickly. You've demonstrated that. And the statistics show that actually losing weight, if you're going to do it on a short burst, it's not It's not that difficult to do, but it's the sustainability, the keeping at it, the keep doing it.

Dr Orlena: Even when life throws you a curve ball and you need to get back on track and keep doing it and keep doing it. So for that, I congratulate you because I know that you're going to come back to coaching as soon as you feel ready.

Beverly: I will be there next week. Yeah, I, I, yes, I should correct myself. It's not that you don't want to eat healthy.

Beverly: It's that you fall back to the habits that you've had recently, and my habits were, were not good coming to you. Orlenaso I fell back to those because I haven't been with you for that long, like you said. In a couple of years, doing things daily, I know one, you know, doing it once every single day in a year's time, massive changes happen.

Beverly: So, yeah, because we think we can do it once and it's going to work forever. And it doesn't work that way. Yes, exactly.

Dr Orlena: So how are you feeling right now? Are you feeling excited to get back to your full strength? And start on your health and weight loss journey again. Tell me a little bit about

Beverly: it. Oh, definitely.

Beverly: I'm feeling very excited about it. I'm finally, as I said, I'm finally well. OrlenaAnd I mean, I was sick for two months. Just zero energy for two full months. And so I'm finally back to it. I'm back to drinking water. I'm back to drinking or to eating fruits. I'm sitting in there with apples and oranges right, right now, and I'm getting ready to eat lunch when in a little while.

Beverly: And I have healthy things here to eat. I'm not living on canned goods right now because I mean, I was living on them because I was having them ordered in and it was just easy and like I said, I couldn't take the time to stand, but now I can and I still don't like to cook and that's okay because at least I can stand at the stove for 10 minutes to fix something and if it takes 10 minutes or less, I'm good.

Beverly: But Orlenaand there's so many recipes that do take only 10 minutes. Which I never thought before.

Dr Orlena: Yeah, there are so many. And another piece of good news for you as well is that when you're building up habits, you've already started these habits. So, you've started doing things differently. Yes, you had a period of time when you went back to what you were doing prior to that.

Dr Orlena: But next time you start, you're not starting right from the beginning. You're starting from experience, as I say. So, It's almost like you're just going to slip into it much more easily. And you'll be like, Oh, I've done this before. I know I can do it again. It's going to be so easy. Obviously you need to just kick started a little bit, but by this time next month, you'll be like, Oh, I'm back to doing all the things that I was doing before.

Beverly: Yes. And I think you're totally right. Especially when we've done something, you know, we've all, we all done hard things and we can look back at those. I've done that. But especially when we've done a specific thing, I've done this before. I can do it again. And yes, I've

Dr Orlena: done it before and it worked. Yes.

Dr Orlena: I've done it before, I've got good results, and so I'm keen to do it again, and it's going to be easy. Perfect. Perfect. Any other thoughts that you want to just share with people? If you're talking to someone, Beverly, who's like back where you were, thinking, Oh my goodness, I've tried so much before, I've been through menopause, and you know, it just feels a little bit hopeless.

Dr Orlena: What would you say to that person? It's only

Beverly: as hopeless as you want to make it. When you get support, when you're trying to do it on your own. then it's easy to feel hopeless because it's so hard to do, especially if you're around other people who don't want to eat the same way you're trying to eat. But when you are in a group, With supportive people who are all going through the same things, maybe at different levels.

Beverly: Some have been there for two or three years. Others are even newer than you and you're hearing their different stories. It's like, it is easy. It's so much easier to come in and be with people who are like minded, all working on the same thing. And when you have a problem, they can give you advice. It's not all just on you, Dr.

Beverly: Orlena, it's, you know, everybody in the group gives advice and that's what I absolutely love, and that I know that other people have done it, and they even had, some of them had a lot more weight to lose than I did, and they've told that story, and so I'm like, well, if they can do that, then I can certainly do it.

Beverly: That helps too.

Dr Orlena: Yeah, and I love that, and I totally love the group that we have as well, because you're absolutely right. Obviously, I'm here. And I've got my opinion and my expertise to give people, but what I really love about the group is it's a really supportive group. And sometimes when you hear it, you want to hear it through someone who's been through that exact situation.

Dr Orlena: You don't want to hear it from someone like me who's saying, Oh, you could do this or you could do that. You want like, this is what worked for me. Really, you want to hear that story from someone, that inspirational story, I think it is from somebody else. Yes. Yeah. Perfect. Beverly, thank you so much for spending some time with us.

Dr Orlena: Before we go, would you like to tell everyone about how you can help them and all the

Beverly: resources that you have for people? Well, as you said, I do have a free Facebook groupOrlena Happy Minds, Wealthy Lives, Unlocking the Secrets to Abundance, which we can link in the comments. And I help people just shift the way they think about money because so many of usOrlena Just like with weight, we think things about money that aren't necessarily true, that we have gotten from our parents and from society in general.

Beverly: As I said, as a teacher, first thing I heard is don't expect to get rich. Orlenateachers don't work nine to five jobs, you have to work 16 hours a day, and I did all that, and teachers are always broke, and I did all that, and I spent years being broke. We also go back to things like, Money burns a hole in your pocket.

Beverly: My father told me that when I was five and I spent decades trying to prove him right. And so what I help people do is uncover those and reframe them as well as start to anchor in abundance. It's more, it's so much more than just changing your words. It's changing your whole thought process. And when you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs.

Beverly: Same as with healthy eating, you change your beliefs and then you change your life. All for the better. And that's what I help people do. And I absolutely love it.

Dr Orlena: And I know that you have a five week challenge coming up. When is that?

Beverly: It's a five day challenge. Yes. I have a five day challenge coming up in two weeks.

Beverly: It's OrlenaAugust 13th. Yes, August 13th. Starts on Monday, August 13th. And when I say a five day challenge, it's not like five days of videos you have to watch. For me, a five day challenge, there's a, we go live Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Are you ready? And then Tuesday and Thursday are built in catch up days and days to do the little 15 minute tasks because one of the things I strongly believe in is you don't need to spend more than 15 minutes a day working on your abundance thoughts.

Beverly: You do not have to be positive 24 7. It's not humanly possible.Orlenayou could spend 15 minutes a day because what's going to happen is as you do that 15 minutes every day, it starts to create. Time's when you're just being positive without thinking about it. But if you spend 15 minutes a day focusing on your thoughts, and it's not even 15 minutes a day all at once sometimes, you know, you can break it up.

Beverly: So that's coming up. Perfect. Perfect. That's a money breakthrough.

Dr Orlena: Money breakthrough. Perfect. Fabulous. And I will make sure that I include the link in the show notes.

Beverly: Great. Awesome. That'd be fabulous.

Dr Orlena: And it's free. Thank you so much, Beverly. And it's free. Perfect. Thank you so much, Beverly. Thank you so much, Dr.

Dr Orlena: Erlina. It's been a pleasure.



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