Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd


Weight Loss Coaching With Dr Orlena

Do you want to lose 5 (or maybe 10...) kgs, so you can: 

  • Wake up with buckets of energy every morning. Enough to send the kids off with a smile and leave for work without those two double espressos?
  • Get back into your favourite skinny jeans that are squashed into the back of your draw? A constant reminder that they don't fit. But you don't want to buy new ones because that would be defeat! 
  • Feel confident and sexy in a gorgeous dress. (Without having to breath in to get into your “Bridget Jones style undies“!)


Your health and wellbeing always end up last on your list of priorities?

You struggle to find a weight loss plan that doesn’t mean cooking separate meals for you and the rest of the family? Or serving your kids dessert, pretending you don't want any. Then licking the serving bowl when no one is watching?

Have you tried losing weight before, been wildly successful for a week or two. Then life got in the way and you gained it all back - and then some?

Getting personal weight loss coaching is the quickest and easiest route to feeling like a million bucks.

I am Dr Orlena Kerek. I help busy mums lose weight in a way that fits in with their lives. To return to their old, thin self, without:

  • having to spend too much time and energy thinking about it
  • counting calories, eliminating entire food groups, or taking pills
  • feeling hungry and deprived all the time

As a working mother of four, I know how difficult it can be to prioritise your own health and well-being.

And finding a plan that fits your body and your lifestyle? That you can actually stick to (even when taking your kids to yet another birthday party with yet more irresistible cake)?

Not the easiest thing to do...especially with all the conflicting advice out there!

You need a plan.

An easy one that you can stick to.

And you need support.

To keep you going when you hit an obstacle.

Remember: EASY. And fun!

Your Personal Weight Loss Plan

Nutrition is Number 1

85% of weight loss is in nutrition.

I know what you’re thinking. You want to lose the weight, but you don’t want to eat carrot sticks while your family is enjoying yummy meals for the rest of your life.

I’ve got you covered:

We work together to create your “nutritional blueprint”. I combine my medical training with your preferences to create a personal way or eating. 

A way of eating that you’ll love for the rest of your life.

Dr Orlena’s Way to Eat and Lose Weight in A Nutshell

I’ll take out the guesswork for you, by basing your plan on the Mediterranean diet (Med Style Diet).

There’s tons of research to back this “diet plan” up. (It’s not a “diet” it’s a way of eating. Nothing is forbidden!)

Important! It’s tasty, nutritious and not complicated. No lists of ingredients you've never heard of. No spinning your husband into a nervous breakdown when he goes shopping.

Food you can share with your family. (That will also teach your kids healthy eating habits.)

Simple healthy eating made delicious.

The only downside? It’s not all pasta and pizza ;)

The Rest of the Plan

Knowing WHAT to eat is an excellent start.Sticking to your new lifestyle is a bit more complicated.

Besides your nutrition, we focus on everything standing in your way of sticking to the plan this time.

The most important other components of our plan are:

  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Understanding why we don’t eat healthily even when we want to

I help you optimise your circumstances, put strategies in place and get back up when you slip down.

How I Coach

I guide you along the way so you no longer have to feel alone on this journey.

I will teach you about nutrition, healthy living and emotional wellness. (Emotions are the reason we do everything. Including eating that entire bag of crisps when you only wanted a nibble…)

I will help you make the changes until they become habits and you no longer need to think about them. Because it’s lasting change we’re after.

This is not for you if:

  • You’re still not sure it’s necessary to change your lifestyle habits once and for all.
  • You’re looking to temporarily make extreme changes, lose the weight and then return to your old habits.
  • You want to take pills or supplements instead of changing how you eat.
  • You’re not ready to invest in yourself, your health and your happiness

How I Work

I work with my clients for at least 6 months. Our work together is all about making lasting changes, so we need enough time to create habits and making sure they will stick.

To get you started, you're invited to purchase "Dr Orlena's 2 Week Healthy Reboot". Packages start at €199 with one private coaching session.

I also work with one on one clients over longer periods of time. 

Do you want my help to lose weight so you can feel confident, energised and like your old self again?

Book a Discovery Call

If you'd like to chat, you're invited to book a call. The initial call is 20 minutes. Book here.



I have been eating so well, I feel fabulous and I reached my goal of fitting into a pair of jeans again!

"Before I started working with Orlena I felt angry and frustrated with myself because I knew the information, I knew what I need to do, I just couldn’t apply it and do it myself.

And that made me annoyed with myself.

I started working with Orlena before Christmas last year. The aim of my work was to lose weight and concentrate on my health.

What really appealed to me was that Orlena’s focus was on health and feeling fabulous.

6 months later I have been eating so well and I feel fabulous. I have achieved my goal of fitting into a pair of jeans that I wanted to. They now fit and feel comfortable which is fabulous.

A lovely side affect of all the work that we’ve been doing together is focusing on not just my weight but my life. I feel that all aspects of my life are doing much better in terms of my relationships, time for myself, care of myself.

And I do feel fabulous!

I put that down to working with Orlena so thank you so much Orlena.

I highly recommend working with Orlena to anyone. In fact I have recommended her to my husband and a couple of friends." Alexis, London.


I feel relaxed and happy on my weight loss journey.

"I highly recommend Dr Orlena as a weight loss coach. I really love her coaching style. Weight loss felt so frustrating, like I was doing everything right, with little results or progress.

Through the sessions she asked me many key questions that made me think. She guided me to see and accept my reality and work with it to find a solution. I have felt totally empowered.

I am very happy working with her. I can now give my body the right conditions. I feel relaxed and happy on my weight loss journey." Mariana Belgium


Take Dr Orlena's "Why Do I Overeat Quiz?"

 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

What's really going on for you?