What if it was Easy to Create Healthy Habits?  Even if you're a Woman over 40.




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Free Workshop in....










Does This Sound Like You?


→You want to lose weight and get back to "healthy you" but life is so busy.

→You're worried your hormones are working against you and want to change that

→You want to do healthy eating and living "without thinking about it"

→You've tried everything and nothing works in the long run.

→You know what to do, you just don't seem to be able to do it. (You don't have a "knowledge gap", you have a "doing gap"?)



You want to lead a "vibrant rest of life" but don't know how to get yourself there AND STAY THERE!?


Hi I’m Dr Orlena .

I’m a “retired” pediatric doctor and mother of 4. I hear you!

This is my personal invitation to join the  EAT BETTER FEEL AMAZING workshop specifically designed for busy women.

Because you deserve to lead a long and healthy life, I want to show you how a few small changes to your lifestyle can add up to a powerful shift.

So you can do it all “without thinking”.


What People say about Working with Dr Orlena


Lia has lost weight and loves her life, from USA 

" I've made tremendous improvements not only in what I eat, but in my whole life. I really do feel amazing, and I'm having fun while I'm doing it! .

 I'm so grateful to you and your simple, doable and enjoyable course."


Imagine feeling proud of your body, living a healthy life and feeling amazing every day on autopilot.


Join the FREE workshop

I want to be strong and vibrant!



 About the Workshop...


You’ll go from “impossible for me” to “surprisingly easy” (as my clients tell me.)


When you understand WHY so many people struggle to make sustainable changes, you'll find it easy to keep going.



 You'll learn... 


  • The best way to eat to feel amazing and lose weight (hint: it's not about depriving yourself)
  • How to stop "falling off the wagon" whenever life gets busy
  • How to stop those sugar craving AND how to stop turning to food for comfort

You Can Get Your Ideal Body In a Way That's Healthy And "Do-able"

  • Even if you've tried a hundred things before!

  • You can enjoy a vibrant rest of life feeling confident in your body and health





 Weds March 26th 12PM UK, 8AM EST

Looking forward to meeting you!

I'm in!