Dr Orlena's Healthy Amazing You Boost Free Event starting Sept 23rd

Podcast: Mindset Magic: Cultivating Happiness and Health


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing, amazing today. Today I want to talk to you about, drum roll please, mindset. I know my favorite topic. I want to talk about mindset and why mindset is the foundation of any change that you want to make.

Let's set the scene. You are wanting to lose weight and You don't really know what to go, do. There are two options here. Either you're thinking, okay, I don't know what to do, I'm eating perfectly well, everything's super fabulous, and I just actually don't know what to lose weight. Or, you do know what to do, you just have what I call a doing gap.

Now, the second one is actually a little bit easier than the first one. If you're in the first camp, yes, you may very well be eating healthily. But there are changes that you still need to make in order to help your body lose weight. You just aren't a hundred percent sure what those...

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Podcast: Do You Really Need to Eat Only When Hungry to Lose Weight?


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Are you feeling fabulous? I hope that you are. , quick question for you. True or false? In order to lose weight, you must only ever eat when you are hungry. What do you reckon? Yes or no? I hear so many people say this to me. I need to only eat when I'm hungry and that means that I am going to lose weight.

I personally do not think this is true and I'm going to spend the next 10 15 minutes explaining to you why. Let me start by telling you, it is Tuesday. Oh my goodness, it is so windy here in Spain today. We do the whole windswept, like, thing in a totally new dimension. The gales are howling. And it's Tuesday morning, and I have a habit of eating nuts when I know that I am not hungry.

Am I hungry? No, I've eaten my breakfast not that long ago, I know I'm not hungry, I am just work avoiding, you can call it boredom eating if you want, I know that I have a habit of basically...

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Podcast: Escaping the Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle: Crafting a New Narrative


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing today. Today, I want to talk to you about the stories that you tell yourself about yourself , your health and your wellness and your ability to be able to lose weight. What on earth am I talking about?

Let's take an example. , it is four years ago. February, March, 2019, 2020 even, my goodness, years are slipping past without me, anything happened that we can remember? Yes, four years ago, we went into lockdown. What happened in lockdown was our world was thrown apart. At that time, some people created habits that were not great habits.

A lot of people did baking and cooking and drinking more. I, however, sat in my little corner of Spain basically doing pretty much the same as I did. I used to go to market. I remember I used to wear my pyjamas to market and then come home and wash because that was kind of what we were advised to do.


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Podcast: Unveiling the Modern Famine with Dr. Kathy Campbell


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. We have an amazing guest today. I'm super excited to welcome Dr. Kathy Campbell. Kathy, hello and welcome. Thank you. Glad to be here. Perfect. I am going to leave you to introduce yourself. So do you want to tell everybody what you do and why you're on the podcast?

Certainly. My name is Dr. Kathy Campbell. I am a clinical community pharmacist. I consider myself a wellness pharmacist, and I've been practicing in my community for 32 years in Owasso, Oklahoma. I've also had a long journey with my personal journey with weight. Long history. And so I'm actually help patients from a very different viewpoint on managing and, and finding an optimal health.

And I've got a new book coming out called Obesity, the Modern Famine, and that's a. That comes from my TED talk that I did several years ago. And I really assert that obesity is a function of what we don't have, not what we're eating...

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Podcast: 7 Easy Tips to Reduce Glucose Spikes



Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. Today, we are talking about glucose and glucose spikes. So I'm just going to dive in and give you a whole load of information bombshell that you are going to be blown away by and think, oh my goodness, I can do some really easy things to minimize my glucose spikes.

So number one, let's have a think about why glucose spikes are important and why we might want to reduce them in the first place. So, I am sure that you have all heard of diabetes and how it is a horrible, horrible illness that nobody would wish upon their worst enemy. And I'm sure that you have also seen that people with diabetes get a whole host of horrible, horrible complications.

It can affect many, many parts of your body. It can affect your eyes. It can affect your nerves. You can have your leg amputated. It affects your heart. It basically affects Next, what we call the end organs. Now, the reason why...

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Podcast: Appreciate Your Life Today


Transcription of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing, amazing, amazing today. Today I want to talk a little bit about mindset. Now that you know that mindset is the foundational piece of all the changes that anybody wants to make and really the idea of getting to what I call healthy, amazing you is a combination of habits.

And you know what? We have habits in the way that we think, and we have habits in our emotions, as well as obviously habits in what we do. So today, my big question to you is, do you really appreciate your life? Now, I know that life is full of hardships and challenges and mundane things. Hello, negative brain.

Remember the negative brain. Human, the human brain is. totally, totally wired to be negative, which is great when you are running away from a tiger, when you're in survival mode, but it's not so great when it comes to enjoying life in modern world and really making the...

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Podcast: The Two Keys to Lasting Wellness and Weight Loss


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. Now, big question for you. Did you watch the Repay or Tend Live, the workshop last week, which was Letting Go of the Stress and Struggle of Weight Loss? If you haven't seen it or listened to it, you can Listen to it, you can still watch the replay.

And in that workshop, we talked about, oh, the so dire, dire, dire statistics that are weight loss statistics, which basically say it's difficult to lose weight and out of the people who do lose weight, a big whopping 80 percent of people put that weight back on within five years. And so the big question that we are asking at the moment is, okay, this doesn't sound great.

But, how can we be one of those statistics, oh my goodness, this is a word that I cannot say, success statistics. How can you be one of the people who loses the weight and keeps it off? So, if you didn't listen to last week's...

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Podcast: Decoding Weight Loss Statistics: How to Be the 20% Success Story


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena. I hope that you are feeling amazing. I hope that you are feeling excited about the prospect of getting to healthy, amazing you in 2024. Today, I want to talk a little bit about stress and struggle because, hey, remember on Thursday, we are doing the workshop, Letting Go of Stress and Struggle of Weight Loss.

And we're going to be having a look at why is it that so many people struggle Hey, have you seen the statistics? I tell you what, the statistics on weight loss are absolutely horrendous. For all the people who lose weight, and about a third of America is trying to lose weight, for all the people who lose weight, after 5 years, 80 percent put back on what they have lost.

Which means only 20 percent of people keep it off for 5 years. Isn't that kind of a scary and demoralizing thought? But, I think it's also interesting because if we examine why that is, it's going to give us the road map to,...

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Podcast: Empowering Weight Loss: Strategies for Lasting Change with Carl from Weight Loss Warrior


Transcript of Podcast

Carl: Hello everybody and welcome to a brand new episode of a weight loss warrior podcast. I am your host, Carl. I hope you're having a great day wherever you are and thank you for joining me today. I have a special guest who is actually just up a road from me and Catalonia and originally from England as well from the other side of the country, very from Devon and Bristol area.

Carl: Dr. Orlena Kerek. Thank you so much for joining me today. How are you today? Thank you for having

Dr Orlena: me. I'm super awesome today.

Carl: I'm very glad to hear it. Now, I suppose we should probably tell my listeners, first of all, that this isn't a normal weight loss story. In fact, it isn't really a weight loss journey and the traditional way that we share episodes, but instead you're, you're a qualified.

Carl: Doctor and have your own way of helping people with weight loss and emotional eating. And so today you've come to the show to talk a bit more about that...

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Podcast: Craving Freedom: Escaping the Grip of Processed Food Addiction with Dr Joan Ifland


Transcript of Podcast

Hello, hello, hello, welcome to Fit and Fabulous with me, Dr. Orlena Kerek. I'm super excited. We have a guest today. I'm super excited to welcome Dr. Joan Ifland Joan. Welcome, welcome, all the way from the other side of the world. Yes, yes. Thank you so much. I'm joining you from the Pacific Northwest in the United States and I'm really honored to be here.

Thank you so much for inviting me. Well, thank you so much for coming and I'm excited that you're, you're West Coast because I think of all those, I love swimming in the sea and in a, in a past life I used to dive. I think of all those amazing sea creatures you have there and think, oh, I'd love to go and explore one day.

It's a very, very beautiful part of the world. The Pacific Northwest is rainforest. But it's cold rainforest, so there are a lot of plants here that are not in the rest of the world. It's really, really cool. It is definitely on my bucket list. So today, what we're going to...

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 Take the fun quiz to get clarity on why you overeat.

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